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Put an end to 7 day workweeks, 3am panic attacks & continual cashflow issues so you can enjoy a healthy work life balance in just 90 days!

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Put an end to 7 day workweeks, 3am panic attacks & continual cashflow issues so you can enjoy a healthy work life balance in just 90 days!

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I'm pretty sure you're tired of being tired?

Do any of these ring true for you?

Running a business that controls you—rather than you controlling it?

Traditional, one-size-fits-all business advice won’t cut it anymore! If you’re ready to break free from your revenue plateau of the last 90 days and reach the next 6-figure milestone (without adding more hours to your workweek), you need a blueprint tailored to the unique challenges we face as women entrepreneurs today!

Guilt over working too much and not working enough

Working 7 days a week... sneaking work in early mornings before anyone is awake, late nights after bedtimes, and on weekends just to “catch up on a few things” is ruining your personal relationships. It's time to be present for your loved ones while creating the success you deserve!

Struggling to juggle family, life, and business?

A new planner, Trello board, or time-tracking app won’t magically erase the chaos! I know you take pride in your multitasking skills (but let’s be honest—this isn’t something to wear proudly, and I’m not sorry for saying it!). What you truly need isn’t another hack or trick—it’s time to uncover the root cause of your exhaustion and finally fix it for good.

Seriously - so done
   with this!!!
Yep, I hear you!

...If that's you, then keep reading, because *waves magic wand* I've got the answer.

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  • Working only 4 hours a day so you can spend time with your family
  • Booking that international girls trip without having to check first on Wi-Fi availability
  • Guilt free weekly date nights that won't wreck the family budget
  • Making an offer on your dream home without worry or fear
  • Epic family vacations with memories you will talk about for the rest of your life
Sounds Amazing! I'M IN!



So here's what I know for a fact... You can have a successful business AND a life at the SAME time.


You just need a unique blueprint to help you create the time & money freedom that you've always dreamed of so you can:

EXCEED YOUR WILDEST EXPECTATIONS - That big (almost scary) goal that you secretly dream about, IS POSSIBLE when you have all the key pieces to the puzzle put together into one big beautiful picture...your future!

INCREASE YOUR PROFIT & PAYCHECK - Using my unique blueprint, you will be paid exactly (if not more) what you're worth!  No more trading time for dollars!

MAXIMIZE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY - I promise...Your business will grow again...I'll show you how to laser your focus on your income producing activities so you can scale with ease! 

✨Transform your business and your life with an easy-to-implement blueprint for creating more time and financial freedom.
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You + The Legacy Business School = everything you need to get started!

Maybe you've thought... there has got be some secret you are missing...

Or maybe... you've just resigned yourself that this is what it takes to build a successful business 

Either way, The Legacy Business School is going to change the way you think, work & live your life. 

But don't just take my word for it....

Jonelle, Caregiver Support Educator

From building a 7 figure business, to implementing systems that enabled Sailynn to work less and make more, to living a dream life on the beaches of sunny Florida! You literally get to peek inside her head with this course and learn EXACTLY how she did it!

I have witnessed first hand Sailynn's natural ability to meet you were you are and give you the exact tools and guidance you need to thrive. If you’re ready to step your game up I highly recommend this course.

Jordan, Online Marketing Coach

Sailynn takes the strategies and systems she used to run a 3 million a year business in just 16 hours a week and weaves them into everything she teaches for today's modern business owner.

It's one thing to know how to build a business... it's a completely different thing to know how to build one that gives you MORE freedom as it grows.

If you ever have a chance to plug in to what she's doing, don't hesitate!


Whether You Run a Product or Service-Based Business, Within 90 Days You Can...

  • Feeling more organized, efficient and productive so you can go to bed nightly enjoying a sense of accomplishment! 
  • Running a fully systematized business that not only makes an impact, but also positions you as a well-respected industry leader
  • Taking weekends off guilt free, cutting out early on Friday's for happy hour, and be your kids biggest cheerleader at every event
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What's Included

#1- Lifetime Access + Lifetime Updates to the Complete Legacy Business School Program with 4 Pillar Training Modules ($1,997 Value)

Videos, Workbooks, Templates, & Scripts to Help You Do It All With Ease

#2- 90 Days of LIVE Weekly Group Support Sessions ($4,997 Value)

12 Weekly Group Zoom Sessions for personalized 1-1 questions and answers

#3- Bonus Package ($4,997 Value)

  • Lifetime Access to Facebook Community ($997 Value)
  • 12 Month Access to My Planning for Profit Workshops ($2,500 Value)
  • My Best Implementation Templates & Tools ($1,500 Value)

TOTAL VALUE: $11,991

Your Exclusive Price: $997

The Result? 


"Having a coaching session with Sailynn was SO helpful! She asked engaging questions about my business and listened so intently to me.!

I had so many “Ah-Ha” moments during our call together and how everything that I have created in my business flows and works beautifully together - I just had to come up with a better system for it to work for me better!"

Jenna, Journal Therapy Coach


The Result? 


"Having a coaching session with Sailynn was SO helpful! She asked engaging questions about my business and listened so intently to me.!

I had so many “Ah-Ha” moments during our call together and how everything that I have created in my business flows and works beautifully together - I just had to come up with a better system for it to work for me better!"

Jenna, Journal Therapy Coach

How do I know if I'm ready?


Perfect for you if:

  • You're ready to stop spinning your wheels and wasting time with free secrets, tips, hacks & tricks
  • You want clear, specific steps to take daily that will move you closer to your desired work life balance no matter what season of life you are in
  • You want to feel fully supported in your business, by a coach with 17+ years of entrepreneurial experience, who you can count on and is committed to your unique mission, vision & values
  • You're ready to wake up feeling refreshed & excited to start your day because you embody the confidence to conquer all challenges
  • You are ready to regain control of your life and to have a business that supports your goals
  • You already have an established business and have made sales
  • You are ready to grow beyond 6-Figures WITHOUT working more hours

Not for you if:

  • You're filled with a never ending supply of excuses on why now is not a good time
  • You aren't willing to take advice and be coachable (even when you ask for it!)
  • You are too afraid to invest in your growth
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to move your business to the next level because you secretly love the Hustle Harder Culture
  • You want to keep procrastinating, being unproductive and staying stuck at your current level
  • You enjoy the long, grueling hours, that attribute to your exhaustion
  • You've never made a sale in business nor have a business idea
I'm Ready

Let's take a look at what's inside


The Legacy Business School Program ($1,997 Value)

An immersive 90-day, done-with-you program designed to provide you with the customized guidance of 1:1 coaching, an intimate community atmosphere, and the freedom of a self-guided course.

You'll be able to implement the exact blueprint I used to go from 80+ hour workweeks to growing a multiple seven-figure business working just 16 hours a week.

It's time to shift your business from the current overwhelm to a sustainable system you can maintain long term!

You get lifetime access and updates to the complete Legacy Business School program with a desktop & mobile app experience!


Pillar 1: Structure

STOP using a cookie cutter one size fits all business model!

In this pillar, we’ll dig deep into your dream lifestyle vision so you can develop your business mission, vision & values. From there you’ll work on how and when you work in your business.


Pillar 2: Systems

Systems may not sound sexy, but they’ll make your life and running your business so much easier.

In this pillar I’ll guide you through an exercise to determine which systems and software would be the best for your business. After you’re set you up with the best fit, I’ll share my list of proven systems to get you thinking about what else you can implement!

Get the flexibility to live the way you want when you have systems in place!


Pillar 3: Support

CEO's who delegate increase their revenue by 33% on average. In this pillar we will explore when and how to build a support team and the different options. Forget the old school scary ways! It's time to REINVENT the way we recruit and retain a team (and if you're thinking your business isn't ready for a team yet... let me prove you wrong)!


Pillar 4: Streamline

Don't shy away from tech tools! In this pillar, I share with you my favorite Tech, Tools & Automations so you can streamline your daily business operations!

Need help implementing them? Join me for 1:1 weekly support sessions over Zoom for implementation help.

End stress, overwhelm and overworking for good. With tech tools, you’ll be able to enjoy relaxing Monday mornings and 4-day workweeks.


PLUS: 90 Days of LIVE Weekly Group Support Sessions ($4,997 Value)

12 Weekly Group Zoom Sessions for quick implementation questions and answers

Ever buy a self-guided course with no support (thinking you can do this alone), then realize you have a ton of questions, and the creator is not available to you???

That's not how we work inside The Legacy Business School! You have full access to me and my 17+ years of entrepreneurial knowledge LIVE during our weekly group coaching sessions over Zoom, where you can ask questions about the course and YOUR specific business needs!

BONUS: Lifetime Access to Facebook Community ($997 Value)

Never feel alone again!

Get training, networking & support from me and other women entrepreneurs!

This is your place to ask questions, get support on the rough days, and share help on the good days!

With Lifetime Access, you can visit the group as your business evolves and grows!


BONUS: 12 Month Access to My Planning for Profit Workshops ($2,500 Value)

The Only Quarterly Strategic Planning Workshop Designed to Help You Accomplish More in 90 Days Than Most Entrepreneurs Do in a Year (Without Working More Hours, Burning Yourself Out or Sacrificing What's Important to You)

Together we will plan your next 90 days each quarter LIVE on Zoom so you have a strategy that matches your dreams & goals!


BONUS: My Best Implementation Templates & Tools ($1,500 Value)

There is no need to reinvent the wheel in business! I am giving you my tried, tested and proven templates to help you get quicker, faster, better results with these swipe files!

The Time Freedom Finder: This Unique 7 day time study framework will give you a behind the scenes look into the root cause of your exhaustion and overwhelm! This template is guaranteed to give you an additional 150 minutes of FREE TIME in your weekly schedule!

7-Figure Google Calendar Tutorial: Take your business digital with my proven Google Calendar strategy for managing your to-do list AND time blocks. I'll walk you through exactly how I use this resource to power my multi-seven figure business so you can do the same.

When you add it all up, that's a total value of $11,991

But you can join The Legacy Business School for

Just $997

YES! I'm In!

Rebecca, Caloosa Water Water

I am so impressed with Sailynn as a business coach because she truly has the experience of running a successful business and gone through all of the issues that small businesses do. From time management and delegating to managing employees and payroll...she has the experience and can share what will work. She also challenges you to think on a bigger scale, analyze your numbers and look at your business from a different perspective. Compared to other business coaches, Sailynn is the "real deal" and will help you scale your business to the next level.

Hey there...

I’m Sailynn...Your FUN Business Coach! 

I have had one goal my whole life...To have the FREEDOM to do: 1) What I Want 2) When I Want and 3) From Where I Want!

That goal motivated me to build a business that allowed me to retire before age 40, travel the world, and be present for family and friends! But it hasn’t always been this way...

I started my entrepreneurial journey buying a senior home care franchise in 2007 with a dream to reclaim control over my time and financial future. I chose a franchise because they gave me a proven business model and it included the support that I knew I would need. But, just 3 years into business, I was working 80+ hour weeks, was on-call 24/7 and could not figure out how to work any less (while maintaining my million dollar revenue level). I was burnt out, stressed beyond belief, and FRUSTRATED I could not make it work for my dreams & goals!

Meeting with a business coach shifted my perspective, systems, and business model! And I am very proud to say I achieved my goal of total freedom and I am now living the life I had dreamt about!

For the past 10 years, women have asked me "how I did it" and now I’m so excited to share my unique blueprint inside The Legacy Business School so you can achieve your dream life too!

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Here's What Others Are Saying...

Carolina, Interior Design Consultant, CN Interiors LLC

I needed specific goals to take my business to next level and possibly understand why what I was trying on my own did not give results. It was frustrating me.

I am discovering how many of my old habits were not conducive to creativity. I am moving forward to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Mindy, Online Entrepreneur

Sailynn, thank you for everything you have done to help me succeed in life and business!

True success only comes from the actions we take but it's an amazing feeling to know you have someone who will always be there to help guide you. Someone who will lovingly tell you the real raw truth and cheer you on through all the ups and down. You are an amazing Coach and I can't wait to see how many more lives you change. ❤️

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Wait, what's included again?


The Complete Legacy Business School Program ($1,997 Value)

Lifetime Access & Lifetime Updates to the Complete Self-Guided Legacy Business School Program with 4 Pillar Training Modules


90 Days of LIVE Weekly Group Support Sessions ($4,997 Value)

12 LIVE Weekly Group Support Sessions for personalized 1-1 questions and answers


Bonus Package ($4,997)

Lifetime Access to Facebook Community ($997 Value)

12 Month Access to My Planning for Profit Workshops ($2,500 Value)

My Best Implementation Templates ($1,500 Value)

When you add that all up

Total Value: $11,991

Your Price: Just $997


Here's What Others Are Saying...

Hailey, Sales & Marketing Strategist

I've got my sparkle back in my business whereas before coaching, I was in a bit of a jaded rut!

Sailynn is on top of her game! She has provided me with thoughtful business feedback that has helped me save time, money, and worry.

She asks great questions, shares helpful resources, and is very giving. I always feel comfortable sharing the ins and outs of my business with her and truly appreciate her wise advice. A lot of the ideas she has shared are going to bring up my revenue.

Katie, Social Marketer Coach

All of Sailynn’s programs are 🔥!

My biz has been growing, but I’m terrible with crunching the numbers and knowing how to hire help the right way (you know, so I’m not flushing $$$ down the drain).

The Legacy Business School took care of both of these problems for me.

Currently, my business is growing and I’m able to keep up with it all!

Thank you Sailynn!!!

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Put an end to 7 day workweeks, 3am panic attacks & continual cashflow issues so you can enjoy a healthy work life balance in just 90 days with...

The Legacy Business School

An immersive 90-day, done-with-you program designed to provide you with the customized guidance of 1:1 coaching, an intimate community atmosphere, and the freedom of a self-guided course.



Foundational Support


Course + Weekly Group Support

  • The Complete Legacy Business School Program ($1,997 Value)

    Lifetime Access & Lifetime Updates to the Complete Self-Guided Legacy Business School Program with 4 Pillar Training Modules

  • 90 Days of LIVE Weekly Group Support Sessions ($4,997 Value)

    12 Weekly group support sessions over Zoom, where you can ask questions about YOUR specific business needs

  • Bonus Package ($4,997)

    Lifetime Access to Facebook Community ($997 Value)

    12 Month Access to My Planning for Profit Workshops ($2,500 Value)

    My Best Implementation Templates & Tools ($1,500 Value)

Total Value: $11,991

Your Price: Just $997

(Please Note: Afterpay is available during checkout for 0% interest payment plan options!)


VIP Support


PLUS Unlimited Voxer + Two 60 Minute Zooms

  • The Complete Legacy Business School Program ($1,997 Value)

    Lifetime Access & Lifetime Updates to the Complete Self-Guided Legacy Business School Program with 4 Pillar Training Modules

  • 90 Days of LIVE Weekly Group Support Sessions ($4,997 Value)

    12 Weekly group support sessions over Zoom, where you can ask questions about YOUR specific business needs
  • Bonus Package ($4,997)

    Lifetime Access to Facebook Community ($997 Value)

    12 Month Access to My Planning for Profit Workshops ($2,500 Value)

    My Best Implementation Templates & Tools ($1,500 Value)

  • PLUS Voxer VIP Support ($6,000 Value)

    Unlimited 1-on-1 Support through Voxer, a free Walkie Talkie App, for 90 Days from purchase
  • Plus CEO Coaching Support ($3,500 Value)

    Two 60 minute one on one coaching sessions within 90 days of purchase

Total Value: $22,588

Your Price: Just $2,997

(Please Note: Afterpay is available during checkout for payment plan options!)



Backed By My 30-Day 'Try It, Test It, Apply It' Money Back Guarantee

Can we agree? Buyers Remorse is the worst.
And since we've all been burned by those courses that overpromise and underdeliver, I want to assure you: that's not how I roll!

That's why I'm giving you 1 FULL MONTH to go through the training, implement The Legacy Business School and if it does NOT work for you, I'll give you your money back.

Here's What Others Are Saying...

Jill, Owner VanderYacht Consulting

I am so excited to see the progress finally happening!!!

I truly feel like your coaching is helping me get better organized and focused than I have been in a long time.

Sailynn provides simple to follow instructions and great tips that make it easy to re-evaluate your business to better focus on what really matters.

Lamara, Owner, Ainkas Jewels

The Legacy Business School has been the link to helping me re-align as an entrepreneur.

I found myself trying to apply all of the knowledge learned over the years from morning routines, implementing systems, and etc., but, doing so, felt a bit overwhelming. In this course Sailynn breaks down her routines by using simple yet tangible steps that have changed the course of my days and the way that I approach life.

Commonly Asked Questions

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