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What’s Your Definition of Success?

affirmations authenticity blog post business coaches dream big dreams find your passion free strategy session what is success? Feb 22, 2022

What does success look like to you?

Picture this…you are scrolling on social media, and you see a post about a woman and you think to yourself, wow she is super successful!

Now think to yourself, what made you think that about that woman in particular?

Did she look a certain way? Was she talking about things she owned that you want for yourself? Was she talking about all the time she has that you wished you had? What exactly was it, that made you think that is what success looks like?

If you have been following me for a while, you know I love Denise Duffield-Thomas, a money mindset coach. She has been saying the affirmation “This is what success looks like” when she looks at herself in the mirror and I thought this was so powerful!

Today I am sharing with you a tool you can use to reprogram your mind to say that about yourself!

Each week, I empower you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! So, grab my Freebie – The Millionaire’s Morning Routine! This Freebie is going to give you 7 Daily Habits Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Practice to Grow Their Businesses without Exhaustion & Burnout!

There are a few definitions of success:

  1. the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
  2. the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status.
  3. the good or bad outcome of an undertaking.

My question for you today is “What is your definition of success”?

Why is this question so important as an entrepreneur? Because if you do not know what YOUR definition is, then you will spend your life chasing something without finding fulfillment.

Which leads to a very unhappy, unhealthy, and unfulfilled life!

My coaching program “The 5 Phases to Fulfillment” is the simple steps you move through as an entrepreneur on your journey from overworked to accomplished! And in the first phase we dive deep on what success looks like to you!

So many of the women I speak with, have this feeling of unhappiness because they have been chasing something that they don’t know what it really looks like. Its that whole, “I’ll Be Happy When” mentality that is keeping us stuck!

And we need to stop that TODAY! But how, you ask? It’s simple!

You must do these 3 things ASAP:

1. Schedule 15 minutes daily to free journal. This means, you are sitting somewhere quiet, with no distractions, with a blank page in a notebook and a pen ready to write. I know a blank page can seem intimidating but don’t stress, there is no right and wrong here. All I want you to do is write. And if the first thing you write down is “I don’t know what to write.”, that’s okay, it’s a start! Why is this important, because we need time to just be with our thoughts and feel safe to express how we are feeling right now. I find when I do this, I instantly feel better, because all the junk in my head is now gone and I can focus better.

2. Once you find this practice coming easier, I want you to use a journaling prompt and answer this daily “What does success look like to me?” Just be open and write down whatever comes to you. It could be words, statements, or sentences, but just write it all down. Again, there is no right or wrong answer here!

3. Finally, I want you keep the momentum going and use all of these writings to form your own vision for success and turn it into a short story. Think about all the books and movies you have read and watched in your life and start on your own. If you could be, do, and have anything, what would be your success story? Write it all down!

This exercise may take you a few days, a week or maybe a month but please do the work. Why? Because this is the first step in forming a morning routine which is the secret to successful people’s lives.

They have everything they want because they allowed themselves to dream big and they took the time to get it all down and then they review it daily! It’s that simple!

When you review your vision for success daily and use other tools that are in the freebie I mentioned “The Millionaire’s Morning Routine” you are going to be able to reprogram your brain and achieve your definition of success!

In summary, please know there is no one definition for success. Each person has their own vision for what they want their life to look like. The secret to making it happen though is doing the work to figure out what yours looks like and then reviewing it daily! I have researched so many successful people over the years, and most of them have some sort of a morning routine they swear by that they attribute their success to! So, start on the 3 tips I just gave you, download the freebie I have included for you, and then send me a note that you did the work and are ready for your definition of success!

Again, I have empowered you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! So, grab my Freebie – The Millionaire’s Morning Routine! This Freebie is going to give you 7 Daily Habits Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Practice to Grow Their Businesses without Exhaustion & Burnout!

And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

PS  Are you exhausted, burnt out, and overworked and just not sure how to build your business and have a life? I am offering one on one life coaching for women entrepreneurs!  You can BOOK A FREE STRATEGY SESSION HERE and we will do 2 things together: 1) Get crystal clear on the business and lifestyle you want to create and 2) identify the time savings systems you can put in place to make it happen!

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