The HUSTLE Scam is Costing You!
Sep 20, 2022
Want to know my 3 secrets to stop the hustle?
I learned the hard way there were 3 things in my business that were holding me back from the freedom I was desperate for!
And in working with other women entrepreneurs, I can tell you most of them are or used to struggle with the same 3 things!
It’s not that we don’t want to improve, fix, or grow our businesses, we just can’t figure out the secret that most uber successful business owners know! Most likely they struggled with the same 3 things in the past too but luckily figured them out or someone taught them the secrets!
That is why today I am sharing with them with you! Together we need to stop the hustle harder mindset because that does not equal more freedom, believe me, I tried it, does not work!
Each week I empower you with training and a free resource, based on successful strategies that I have used in one of my businesses! I share my journey with you to help you fast track your growth without all the headaches! This week you can watch on demand my free training - The Legacy Business Blueprint Masterclass. This training gives you The 3 Secrets (They Don’t Teach in Business School) You Must Master NOW If You Want to Build a Profitable Business While Still Having a Life! Click below, to stream it your preferred device today!
In 2007, when I opened my doors to my franchise business, I was willing to do whatever it took to make money because I was already in debt on day 1.
My parents told me my whole life that if I worked hard, I would achieve the things I wanted, so I thought that was the ultimate answer!
But nope, sorry mom and dad!
Now let me make sure you understand this…you do have to work hard at times in your business, but these are times we call seasons. And just like the seasons Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall they come and go and don’t last forever! Do you get my drift?
This means, yes you will work hard for a short time, maybe 90 days to launch a business, launch a new product, or shift in your mission, BUT the secret is, it should not last forever!
I personally think 90 days is the longest you can run hard without becoming mentally or physically burnt out!
So, this brings me to my BIG question…How long have you been hustling hard in your business? Over 90 days? If so, its time to listen up because here are my 3 secrets to slow down!
- I want you to say YES to every single person, opportunity and situation that perfectly aligns with your life dreams and business mission. Everything else that comes your way, say NO! Treat every single question you are faced with as an entrepreneur as an opportunity to revaluate what path to take! Yes, this takes maybe an extra few minutes to do a gut check and maybe ask more questions about the request, but it is so worth it! Soon you will find yourself so aligned with your dreams and mission, that you will feel like you are on a high because all the perfect things are just coming in daily to you! It’s a great feeling!
- I want you to make a list of every task you do in your life and business that you hate or are not good at. Now here is where you need to be honest with yourself. Most entrepreneurs are a jack of all trades which is great when you are starting. And with your good old friend Google, you can figure out just about anything! However, we want to think long term…If you could have someone else help you, what tasks would you hand over? Start this list now and just make it a running list. When you have to do something, you hate or are not good at, add it to the list. This list will serve as a guide on who you will hire to help you when you are ready! Which hopefully is sooner, rather than later!
- Finally, we need to get down and dirty and figure out where you are making money and where you are losing money! Yup most businesses are losing money in some area without you even realizing this. The easiest way to do this is to start a spreadsheet where you are going to start tracking your numbers! If today, you are spending 2 hours making a graphic for social media and this is not something you are good at, make 2 columns in your spreadsheet, label one your task and the other your time. Once you start tracking numbers, you will begin to see where you are wasting time and money and where you are exceling and should dive deeper! These numbers will give you a big picture look into your business!
Those are the 3 secrets that I started doing with the guidance from a business coach back in 2010. Then I enlisted help from neighboring franchise owners to start comparing numbers and organizational charts and duties. Within 90 days, I was starting to see what was working and what was blaringly in my face NOT working! Whoops! How did I miss that before?
In Summary, working or hustling, call it what you want, harder, does not equal more freedom! You must slow down a bit by taking a half day or weekend, to do some digging into your business to see what you have built so far when compared to your dreams and mission! You are building a business for the long haul and to do that you need to implement sustainable strategies like these 3 I just shared with you! Once I started to work on the big picture in my business, that is when I was able to build a solid business foundation that paid me more in time freedom and a bigger paycheck! Sounds good huh!
If you want to learn more implementing sustainable business strategies, watch this free masterclass today - The Legacy Business Blueprint! This is a behind the scenes look into building a successful and profitable business that allows you the time and money to live your one life on your terms. These 3 secrets are the things they don’t teach in business school, or it seems online lately, so it’s a must watch if you want to have a business that turns a profit without working more hours! The link to watch on demand is below!
And that’s a wrap on this week’s episode! Remember to live this one life you were given!
Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!
xoxo Sailynn...
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