Stop Stressing & Start Enjoying
Dec 14, 2021
If You Are a Stressed-Out Entrepreneur Right Now, I Have 5 Ways to Lower Your Stress This Season!
The holidays can bring the joy and the not so joyful moments during this very fast paced season! As a woman you most likely have a lot on your to do list to accomplish before the big day and let’s not even get started about year end!
I started my career working in retail and I truly loved it! Even on those crazy shopping days like Black Friday! I loved the fast-paced nature and seeing all the customers get so excited to find the one item they were searching for on their list that year!
However, when I became an entrepreneur in the healthcare field, it added a new level of stress to my normally laid-back nature! So, after a few stressful years, I decided to implement some things in my life personally and professionally to help me stay calm and embrace the holiday spirit!
Today I am giving you my 5 Favorite Ways to Lower Your Stress During the Holidays!
Each week, I empower you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! This week I have a brand-new Freebie to share with you and an invite to The Morning Reset FREE 5 Day Challenge. Click The Image Below and grab the Freebie – The Morning Reset! This Brand-New Freebie is going to give you Simple Steps to Control Your Day, Say NO to Things That Don’t Serve You, Move Closer to the Life You Really Want WITHOUT Feeling Guilty or Defeated!
Regardless of whether you love or loath the holidays, they are here! So, it’s time to take action so you can go from grinning and bearing them to actually finding joy in this magical time of year!
Here are 5 ways I have gone from the Grinch to a Happy Elf personally and professionally!
1. Simplify – Normally we take on way too much during the holiday season when it comes to everything, we feel we must do! If you want to truly enjoy the magic of the season, you must take back control of your time, so you can enjoy some of it! I like to prep for each day the night before! This saves me morning stress and allows me to mentally prepare for the next day so I can rest my brain while sleeping! Before you go to bed, set out your outfit, plan your meals, and write down the 3 things you must do the next day to feel accomplished!
2. RSVP NO Thank You – As a woman and business owner, I am sure you are bombarded with holiday party invites! While you would love to attend each one to show your support, it is just not possible! I remember the night that I actually went to 3 holiday parties because I felt I had to show up! I was useless the next day, so what good was that for me mentally and physically? RSVP NO Thank You to the invites, that do not align with your personal vision for success. Believe me, you will not be the only one who does not go!
3. Make Someone Else Feel Good – Want a quick dopamine hit? Show your gratitude to someone else who could really use it! When you express your gratitude to others through verbal recognition, small gifts, or gestures, not only does it make them feel special and appreciated, but it also reciprocates by making you feel great too! Think of one person who could really use a boost this holiday season and find some way to love on them a bit!
4. Snack Packs & Hydration – Since this is the season of long hours, don’t forget to pack yourself a holiday box full of goodies to keep you going! I like to have protein bars, water, nuts, and crackers in mine to keep me going all day long! Taking care of your health is key to powering through and not getting those headaches from lack of hydration and nutrition!
5. Give Yourself a Break – You are not perfect! Oops sorry did I just burst your bubble? No one is perfect, so stuff is going to go wrong! Instead of losing it altogether, give yourself a break, forgive yourself, and don’t beat yourself up over it! Apologize, Fix It, and as Elsa Says “Let It Go”!!!
I hope these 5 ways help to lower your stress this holiday season! If you are struggling to find a balance between your business and your life, I would like to invite you to join me for The Morning Reset! Click Here for The Free Resource and all the info about the Challenge!
Its time to set some new intentions for the coming year with one of them being finally going after the life you dream about daily as an entrepreneur! I can tell you from my personal experience, you can totally build a thriving business, while also living your dream life! I was able to do it and so can you!
In summary, the holidays can be the most wonderful time of the year! Use my 5 ways to lower your stress so you can enjoy this time as an entrepreneur! Then join me for The 5 Day Morning Reset Challenge to learn some of my secrets to success as a women business owner!
Again, I empowered you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! This week I have a brand-new Freebie to share with you and an invite to The Morning Reset FREE 5 Day Challenge. Click the Image Below and grab the Freebie – The Morning Reset! This Brand-New Freebie is going to give you Simple Steps to Control Your Day, Say NO to Things That Don’t Serve You, Move Closer to the Life You Really Want WITHOUT Feeling Guilty or Defeated!
And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!
Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!
xoxo Sailynn...
PS Are you exhausted, burnt out, and overworked and just not sure how to build your business and a life? I am offering one on one life coaching for women entrepreneurs! You can BOOK A FREE STRATEGY SESSION HERE and we will do 2 things together: 1) Get crystal clear on the business and lifestyle you want to create and 2) identify the time savings systems you can put in place to make it happen!
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