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Personal Development is Now a Non-Negotiable!

business coaches course morning routine personal development women Mar 29, 2021

Hey Friends!

Back in 2012, I dipped my toe into the world of Personal Development when a mentor and friend suggested I read the book "The Secret"!

I honestly thought people who practiced self help and personal development, were not people like me, and were more woo woo!  (whatever that means, please forgive my ignorance🤦‍♀️)

Needless to say, when I sold everything in 2017 to head South and start over, little did I know, but I really needed personal development in the next chapter of life!

Luckily for me, I hired business coaches who practiced a Morning Routine, and explained to me the benefit of having one!

Almost 3 years later, I am so glad I...

  • Hired those coaches!
  • Designed a Morning Routine!
  • Committed to this practice DAILY!

I would not be where I am today without it and I truly believe that!

What I have learned, is the world has changed...A LOT!  And personal development is no longer for the woo woo people, but for everyone!

With everything we have going on in our lives, everything coming at us daily, and everything we want to achieve in life, personal development has become a NON-NEGOTIABLE!

This is why I started Passion. Purpose. Posture. because I know there are so many women like me, who are ready to dip their toe into the personal development world but do not know where or how to start!

Having a simple, mindful moment each morning to start your day on the right foot, is what we all need in our lives!

My Morning Routine Course launched last week and women, just like you are finally saying YES to investing in themselves and their dreams! Learn More Here!

So I would encourage you to join this amazing community of women, by grabbing this course at a 70% discount by March 31st!

I also added in two extra BONUSES:

  1. THE Guide to Becoming a Gen X Powerhouse Woman - 15 Simple Secrets to Become Highly Successful & Achieve Financial Stability without Investing More Time or Money”
  2. 45 Minute One on One Coaching Session with Me!

I am ready to lock arms with you and help you start your own personal development journey!  So grab the course, so we can get together and put a plan in place to Live a Life YOU Love!

xoxo Sailynn...

PS I wanted to share the link from my business coach Kathy...she did a video on "22 Things I've Learned from My 22 Years in the Network Marketing Profession" and guess what #1 was - Having a Morning Routine is a Must!

Regardless of what industry you are in, believe me, YOU need this course!  See you inside the community!

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