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Owning the CEO Title!

affirmations authenticity blog post business coaches empowerment freebie inspiration love yourself millionaire's morning routine freebie mindset Oct 26, 2021
Owning the CEO Title!


Do You Ever Shy Away From Saying You Are the CEO of Your Business?

 Believe me, you are not alone!

In 2017, I sold it all, business, house, car and took off in the RV for 3 months to travel and “find myself”!  I landed back in sunny South Florida knowing I needed a way to continue this life of freedom but with a new business that would allow me flexibility!

So, I started an online skincare business in September of that year!  I have loved it for the flexibility, freedom and fun!


One of the things that has baffled me since day one, was this term “side-hustle”! I mean what the heck does that even mean?

Whenever I have started something, it was never on the side of something else.  It was always go forward full speed ahead and own it!

However, this term and this industry through me, the confident, successful woman, I am for a loop!

Today I am sharing with you how I overcame the super hard question, “So what do you do?”

Each week, I empower you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! So, click the bar below and grab my brand-new Freebie – The Millionaire’s Morning Routine! This Freebie is going to give you 7 Daily Habits Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Practice to Grow Their Businesses without Exhaustion & Burnout! 

 The term “side-gig” or “side-hustle” came into use back in the 1950s, when it was used to describe both scams and legitimate jobs according to Merriam-Webster.

I personally had never really noticed its use until I started my new business in September 2017 when I was hearing it EVERWHERE!  All the people I was seeing in the industry, were using this term and I personally HATED IT! 

Yup I just said that! Hated it!

See the term means to me, this is something you are doing on the side, which is not important enough to you, to make it a “front” hustle (not sure if front is the word I want to use, but roll with me here!).

Regardless of whether you want to make this business your full-time career or not, calling it something on the side, demotes its credibility, in my opinion and KILLS YOUR MINDSET!

Which is why, I was suddenly struggling to answer the simple question, “So what do you do?” when I was meeting new people!

I would think to myself; I just sold a multi-million dollar business that I was Owner and President of where I had big responsibilities daily and now I have a “side-hustle”?

I was on the struggle bus and could not find the exit!

Literally, a simple question was stumping me!

So today I am sharing with you, how I overcame this roadblock in my business!

  1. Surround yourself with likeminded people! I stopped following the people who used the term side-hustle and started following the leaders that were treating their business like a business!
  2. Start working on your mindset! Refer to Step 7 in the Freebie for some ideas on this!  If you are not pouring inspiration and empowerment into yourself daily, you are missing out!  Believe me, it’s unbelievable what some simple mindset shifts can do!
  3. Find a mentor or coach you can talk to about this imposter syndrome, so you can voice your fears and self-worth issues. They will be able to guide you along your journey!

I implemented those 3 simple tactics in my business and all 3 of them helped me answer that simple question, “So what do you do”…

“Great question, I am a Personal Growth Coach and I help entrepreneurs get real results with less stress by shifting from grinding to growing in their businesses.”


In summary, if you struggling to own the title of CEO, President, Owner, Boss, whatever you want to call yourself, try out my 3 simple strategies!  I know that you are amazing and can totally own it!  Just remember I am always here to cheer you on, be a mentor or even your coach if you need some help!

Again, I have empowered you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! So, click the bar below and grab my brand-new Freebie – The Millionaire’s Morning Routine! This Freebie is going to give you 7 Daily Habits Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Practice to Grow Their Businesses without Exhaustion & Burnout! 

And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

PS  Did you hear the news?  I am now offering one on one coaching for women entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurial women, and women secretly dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur!  You can Learn More Here and also book a FREE Discovery Call to see how I can help you shift in your business or mindset from grinding to growing!

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