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Optimize Your Product Offerings: Love What You Sell and Increase Your Revenue

boost profits business revenue low profit margins product offerings May 28, 2024
Optimize Your Product Offerings: Love What You Sell and Increase Your Revenue

Low profit margins happen when you give your customers or clients everything they want. This happens because you add a new product or service to meet a current client's growing needs, or to entice a new client to buy from you, or to "help a friend out" just this once! Your customers or clients are now controlling your product or service portfolio!

You do this as a result of people pleasing that comes from a deep fear of failing or scarcity!

The problem with working this way when building a business is you are now blending in with everyone else because you are not known for one thing!

So not only are your profit margins low, but you are spending more time and energy than necessary to maintain or produce all of these products or services, which is causing you even more burnout without you even realizing it!

That’s why today I am going to walk you through my process on how to analyze your product or service laundry list of items, and transform it into a curated portfolio of products or services that make you 80% of your profits, you love to sell & service ongoing, and you are a known expert on in your industry!

Now in order to fix the big picture of your burnout there are 3 crucial elements to what I call a business model structure which I go over inside my signature program The Legacy Business School but right now I am going to give you the one element that is going to quickly increase your revenue, so I don’t overwhelm you and this is something you can start today. In fact, you can have this exercise done probably within a couple days if you really wanted to. So, if that sounds good, then let’s get started!

Step One: Run Your Reports! 

Use whatever software houses your product or service metrics and run a report on every item.  This report should include the item name, quantity sold, price, your costs and any time you spend having to produce it. For instance, if you are a life coach and you offer 1-1 sessions, you probably spend 60 minutes with client’s multiple times in a program they bought from you. Or maybe you sell insulated tumblers and print on demand, how much time does it take you to set up the printer, get the right settings, and then actually print the design, and apply it to the cup.  You only have so much time, so this metric is key!

Step Two: Analyze Your Metrics! 

Once you get all the data, you need to dig in and look for trends!  Which products or services are the most popular? Which ones make you the most profit? Which are taking the most of your time and energy? And definitely which ones are the least profitable for time, energy and money!  One of the things to keep front of mind, if you are experiencing burnout and want to improve your work life balance is, to really hone in on the time & energy metrics for each item!  This is a metric that most of my clients find eye opening once they dig in and see the numbers in print!

Step Three: Review Your Vision! 

In order to banish burnout and boost your profits, you need to make decisions based upon what you want for your life!  If you do not have your Personal Vision defined, I want you to check out my video called “Is Work Life Balance Achievable as a Woman in Business”. Inside this video I walk you through the first crucial element of establishing your Business Model Structure.  Once you define and review your vision, you can now make educated decisions on what products or services make the most sense financially and personally that will help you Love What You Sell and Increase Your Revenue!

Once you have all 3 steps complete, you can rework your products and services into a curated portfolio that you are proud to offer, and your customers and clients love to buy from you!

If you found this info helpful, I would encourage you to join me inside my free training: The No BS Work Life Balance Workshop where I am sharing the exact blueprint I used to shift from working 80+ hour weeks to just 16 while tripling my business revenue and 4x my personal paycheck.  You can find the link below:

And if you have any questions, DM me on Instagram or Facebook

Thanks so much for watching and remember to live your one life!


Your FUN Business Coach

Creator of The Legacy Business System


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