Managing Burnout and Stress As An Entrepreneur
Feb 07, 2023
The lowest moment in my 15 years of entrepreneurship was back in 2010, when I was on the verge of burnout and one single call sent me over the edge!
I was getting up at 4am to leave my house by 5am to work with a senior client at 6am because I had no staff to cover this client but I didn't turn the client down because I was desperate for the money.
After a 3 hour shift, I would shower at my parents house on the way to the office, where I would hit the road for 4-6 hours marketing my business, to return to bills, payroll, and all the other stuff we do as entrepreneurs, to leave the office around 7pm, drive the hour home, crash into bed and do it all over again the next day!
This went on for weeks until I found a caregiver to agree to the shift! All excited, I went the next day to introduce her to the client. At 6am, she was missing, 6:05am, I started the shift, 6:10am no answer, finally at 6:15am I got the call, “yeah I'm not gonna make it!” I curtly hung up, finished the shift, went to my parents and BROKE!
That one call had sent me from overwhelmed and overworked to completely over it all!
I had only been in business 3 years but the 80+ hour work weeks were killing me and no matter what tip, trick, tactic I could find, none were working!
Until I met with my mom's friend who was a business coach!
That one meeting shifted my perspective, systems and business model!
If you are burning out or already burnt to a crisp, keep watching because today I am sharing with you how to fix it, like no one else has ever shared before!
When you are working too much, too hard, and can’t seem to find the answer, it's really hard to figure out the solution to your problems because you can’t see the whole picture clearly!
And that is where I went wrong!
I had always been a figure it out myself kind of girl, so the fact that I could not figure out how to drag myself out of the hole I had built was killing my confidence!
But that one meeting with a business coach opened my eyes to what I was missing!
We sat down, and for the first time in my 3 year journey, I was honest!
There was no holding back like I had been doing with so many others who had tried to help, but I was too ashamed to share the truth with them! At this point, I was so burnt out, I did not care and I was desperate for a solution, so I laid it all out! And I will be forever grateful that he listened!
So Step 1 - Find someone who has been in your shoes before and has found the solution! Advice from family, friends, and neighbors is great but if they have not gone through what you are experiencing, they probably won't have the solution you need!
Step 2 - Lay it all out like you got nothing to hide! As women and entrepreneurs, we don't want someone to think we can’t handle it or figure it out, so we struggle with being honest about what is really going on! Think about the last time someone said, “How are you?” And you replied with “Great!” When really you are not great and you are struggling so badly but are ashamed of that! This shift is integral to moving forward in the process!
Which brings me to Step 3, Be Open! For some reason, even when we ask for help and we say we are ready for the answer, we struggle to accept the solution. We immediately think, I already tried that or that’s all you got! If you want to truly find the solution to your problems, you have to have an open mind. This can be hard because we are so tired, we are looking for the quick fix, but normally there is none. My burn out did not happen overnight, so some quick fix was not going to happen! When you are in an open to receive mindset, that is when moving to step 4 truly helps!
After I shared my whole story with him, not only did I feel better, but I was able to breathe, sit back, and listen to his advice, because I had let down my guard and was open to finally listening!
This is when he took what I had told him and guided me through some Q&A so I could understand that what I had been doing was not wrong, but really just needed tweaking. Which made me feel better! I no longer felt like a failure!
Step 4 is Listen! When you smash all those walls you have put up that have made you look successful on the outside, you can truly find the answers to your problems! Mine was I had built a business with no systems! Everyone, including myself, was just running around doing what they thought needed to be done, but there were no 1, 2, 3 step systems for each division of my company which was causing confusion and double work! Hence me having to “fix” everything so it was done right causing me those long hours!
Finally the last step, Step 5 is I had to back up, like way back to before I started and figure out why I had even started and redesign the life and business I wanted. Then I had to rebuild my business model on a solid foundation that supported that vision for success!
This last step was by far the hardest for me because I started this business because I wanted time and money freedom! I mean I thought that was clear! But what I learned was I needed to define what that looked like for me! Then I had to communicate it to my team, my community, my customers and basically the world, so I could stay focused on that vision and ensure its success!
In Summary, while that day back in 2010, was the absolute lowest in my 15 year journey, it was the moment I needed to FINALLY draw that line in the sand and say NO MORE!
And what I have learned the past few years in helping other women in business, is they are in or have been in similar positions and the ones who draw that line, are the ones who truly find their definition of success and live their dream lives!
If you are on the verge of burnout or are feeling a little crispy, lol, I have a FREE resource to help you get back to the life you dreamt about when you first started your entrepreneurial journey!
The Legacy Business Blueprint Masterclass is a FREE must watch webinar that shares 3 Key Shifts Smart Entrepreneurs Are Making That Will help You Increase Your Profit WITHOUT Working More Hours or Having to Find More Customers!
This is the exact strategy I used to shift from those 80+ hour work weeks to building a multi-million-dollar business in just 16 hours weekly ! It’s your time to earn more and work less!
And I don’t want you to have to check your calendar and then wait for some scheduled presentation to get this transformative info, so I made it available for you to stream on-demand right now at and I have linked it below for you!
And that’s a wrap on this week’s episode! Remember to live this one life you were given!
Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!
xoxo Sailynn...
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