Knowing Your Purpose Is The Secret to Balance!
Jan 25, 2022
Do You Want To Live A Purposeful Life?
I know I sure do but I felt like I was always searching for the magic thing to make my life feel like I had a purpose! How did I live a life like all these mega millionaires who seemed to be able to do it all and so much more?
The definition of Thrive is “to prosper or flourish” and for someone that was struggling to figure it all out, the thought of flourishing seemed so far away!
But I knew as an entrepreneur I needed to find my sweet spot, so I could live the life that I had envisioned! I simply wanted to be happy, healthy, and have the time and money freedom, to do whatever was possible!
The question was, how do you make that happen when you are working all the time to grow your business? Today I am sharing with you how I figured out how to thrive with purpose and how you can too!
Each week, I empower you with tips and a free resource to help you live this one life we were given! This week I am offering you an opportunity to check out my brand-new free webinar – How to Shift from Fried to Free in Five Months WITHOUT Fear of Failure! During the webinar I will share my story of how I went from working 80+ hour weeks to working part time while building a multi-million dollar business! You can register for this webinar at and I will also pop the link in below!
So what does Thrive with Purpose mean?
I break it down into 2 parts: 1) Work Life Balance and 2) Self Care!
Now for all of you naysayers who think work life balance is impossible, I am asking you to just listen in for a couple minutes to see if I can shift your thoughts.
Work Life Balance is a term that came into use in the 70’s and 80’s when the stressed-out Baby Boomers were trying to figure out how to balance their full-time careers and their families at the same time! Some people even give credit way back to 1817 when Robert Owen said we should have 8 hours of labor, 8 hours of recreation and 8 hours of rest to find that balance! No matter where the term came from, here is the problem with it…
Everyone thinks balance must mean equal because essentially that is the true definition of balance when we think of a scale – “an equal distribution of weight”.
But I want to challenge you to think about this definition – “a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions”.
So now I want you to think what are the CORRECT PROPORTIONS FOR YOU???
See balance does not have to be equal, it just must work for you, and you alone! Maybe you are laser focused on growth in your business right now and so your work side is more like 80%, that is okay, as long as it does not go on forever!
Or maybe you are a new mom who wants to be home with the family, that is okay too!
Its your life, you can decide what balance looks like for you! Be unapologetic when it comes to your definition and what works for you!
Once you find a “balance” that works for you, that is when you will the shift from feeling like you are drowning to thriving!
Now on to part 2, the one I struggled with the most! Learning self-care is not selfish!
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good pedicure, manicure, massage, facial and anything that has to do with pampering but those have been positioned as a treat or special occasion item that you only do so often! So, what can we do on a daily basis for self-care to maintain that balance?
Think of things that bring you peace, calm, quiet! Maybe for you that means a walk along the beach or in the woods. Or it could be a 15-minute meditation practice where you can quiet your mind! And it might even be something like yoga where you can be active but find calmness and focus on your breathing!
As women and especially entrepreneurs, we need to shift our mindset from thinking that self-care is a treat that we earn for a job well done to something that is necessary to maintain that balance we are all striving for!
So how do we accomplish this? By shifting out mindset from treat to To-Do item!
Think about it…if you added a 15-minute meditation practice to your calendar daily and it was a must do item, you as the overachiever would want to accomplish it, so you could check it off your list, right?
If this is struggle for you to make this shift, start small! Add in 3 timeframes on your daily calendar for 5 minutes of just breathing. Maybe its 5 minutes right before you enter your office, another 5 minutes after lunch and another 5 before you transition to your after-work routine of family and friend time!
Brendon Burchard says if you can master transitions, then you gain more mental and physical stamina! He gives a wonderful example of how to transition throughout your day with a quick self-care practice that will help you restore your energy! Here is the link to the book and chapter (Habit #2) for you to learn more!
When you work to find your definition of balance, and practice self-care as a necessity and not as a treat, you will start the shift to living a life where you are thriving with purpose!
In summary, we only get one life! There is no reverse button, nor is there the ability to buy more time, so you get one shot at living your life to the fullest! My goal as a Life Coach is to show you simple ways on how I have used effective techniques to shift from where I was, to where I am now. Which I can tell you is living the life I always wanted and dreamt about! And I know you can do the same thing in your life too! Decide today, to live your one life to its fullest whatever that means to you!
Again, I have empowered you with tips and a free resource to help you live this one life we were given! This week I am offering you an opportunity to check out my brand-new free webinar – How to Shift from Fried to Free in Five Months WITHOUT Fear of Failure! During the webinar I will share my story of how I went from working 80+ hour weeks to working part time while building a multi-million dollar business! You can register for this webinar at and I will also pop the link in below!
And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!
Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!
xoxo Sailynn...
PS Are you exhausted, burnt out, and overworked and just not sure how to build your business and have a life? I am offering one on one life coaching for women entrepreneurs! You can BOOK A FREE STRATEGY SESSION HERE and we will do 2 things together: 1) Get crystal clear on the business and lifestyle you want to create and 2) identify the time savings systems you can put in place to make it happen!
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