I Did the Opposite of What My Franchise Said for Hiring! Here's What Happened!
Aug 20, 2024
I bought a franchise for the “business in a box” model but when it came to hiring, I did everything opposite they said to do and that led to me growing from $0 to over $17,000,000 in sales and today I am teaching you how to implement the same 3-Part Hiring Framework into your small business!
Oh, and did I mention, I not only built a multi-million dollar per year business, but I also did it working only 16 hours weekly!
So stay tuned if you have been working more than 16 hours weekly in your business and your revenue has been stagnant for 90+ days!
Hey there, I’m Sailynn, Your FUN Business Coach and I mentor women entrepreneurs & small business owners from burned out to balanced in just 90 days!
I have taken EVERYTHING I learned from my highly experienced Human Resources Team, that screened 15,000+ applicants, interviewed over 7,000 candidates & hired almost 2,000 team members, and broken it down into a simple 3-Part Hiring Framework for 6-Figure business success! And if you need help implementing anything you learn today inside my 3-Part Hiring Framework, check out my signature program, The Legacy Business School, that is a course and coaching program.
Building a bigger team of part-time workers is the key to reducing your weekly working hours! Let me explain!
I purchased a franchise because I was 26 years old, and I knew I needed a business blueprint to walk me through the steps of how to build a successful territory. While I followed most of the blueprint they gave me, there were a few areas I totally bucked the system and hiring was one of them!
My franchisor advised me to hire all Full Time Employees to help me run my office, but my first hire was a friend who could only work 32 hours due to her location from the office. So, I ran with it, and it worked!
My second team member in my office was my mom, who had 30 years of human resources experience, and had retired from her full-time career and she only wanted to work part time, so again I hired her and ran with it!
And I just kept running with the part-time flexible job model for the next 10 years and that is what allowed me to work only 16 hours weekly and generate over $17,000,000 in sales!
Let me share with you why this works, how you can use this in your small business, and give you real world examples of how to implement it!
There are 3 parts to my hiring framework and in each part there are 3 pieces to ensure success. In today’s video I am going to touch on just 1 piece in each part so I don’t overwhelm you and you can get started today!
Most of the women entrepreneurs that I work with have struggled to build a team and that is because they do not complete the pre-work in the hiring process. They are so tired from working 7 days a week, answering calls at night, filling orders on weekends, and dealing with customer service issues before breakfast, that they just hire someone (or really anyone) who they think can help them!
The problem with this is you don’t have a plan for your immediate hire nor a plan for future forecasting your growth! This leaves your team a big mish mosh and not working cohesively to help you grow your business and reduce your working hours!
First, you want to develop an organizational chart of what your team will look like in the future! You do this by listing all the tasks that are outside your zone of genius, then grouping them into jobs, and laying them out on your chart!
Once I realized that my part time team member model was working, I reconfigured the organizational chart from my franchisor to hire a team of part time experts! And you can do the same in your business! Once you determine which role you want to hire first for your biggest need, you will need to determine is this a role that I need someone locally for or can they work remotely?
If you own a brick & mortar clothing boutique, then you need someone local, so your ideal part time hire will be for a part time employee. This works amazing because instead of hiring 2-3 full time employees to man your store hours, you can hire 4-6 part time employees who will work as team with varying availability to ensure your hours are covered! This allows you better staffing coverage for vacations, sick days & when someone leaves. And part-time employees are normally less expensive per hour!
Now let’s move on to interviewing, which is a piece of the second part of the hiring framework.
I don’t care what role you are hiring for, you need to interview your candidate, even if you have only one, which you won’t though when you use my 3-part hiring framework!
The biggest mistake I see burnt out online women entrepreneurs making, is getting so far into their overwhelm, that when some virtual assistant pops into their DMs, they hire them without even having a conversation with them! Which leads to having to micro-manage them, fixing their completed work, and eventually parting ways because it was just not worth the money having them on the team!
The second piece of the framework you want to implement is an interview process. I teach a 3 step process, inside my signature program, The Legacy Business School, and help my clients role play this out. This allows you to screen potential candidates for red flags that might arise after you hire them!
My mom was an expert at interviewing. She was able to gain the candidates’ trust so they would open up and tell her the real story of why they were applying for the job. This allowed us to avoid many employment issues because we screened them out during the interview process.
Let me give you an example of how to implement this into your online business. Once you determine that you need someone to handle customer service, you realize that most of your messages come in off hours, which is what is keeping you from having your nights unplugged to be present with your family. So, you decide to hire a virtual assistant whose working hours are your off hours. Basically, they will be available to answer messages when you are done for the day!
So, during your interview process you want to clarify the hours that you need someone to work, you want to ensure they understand that this is not an on-call call position, this a position where they need to be awake and available, and you need to cover what is expected of them during those hours. You may find that you need 1-3 people to cover all your off hours nights and weekends, they will also work as a team to cover for each other, which in turn will allow you to finally reclaim control over your time! And you can find many VAs for just $5/hour, so for as little as $320/week you just freed yourself from working nights & weekends!
The final piece we will cover is the most important if you are hiring a part time contractor to elevate your brand!
The biggest mistake I have made and many of my clients have made is outsourcing projects to contractors. This practice is what is causing you to work more hours…Here’s why!
Let’s say you are making a niche pivot in your business, and you want to revamp all your branding which includes your social media, website & printed materials. The work that needs to be done is outside your zone of genius, so you decide to hire a contractor. Yes, you should still use my 3-part hiring framework even for contractors! You spend hours with them educating them on your niche, your vibe, and most important your business mission, vision & values. The contractor delivers the work and it’s beautiful, and you are over the moon happy!
What I see happen next so often is, the “project” is done, and you part ways but the next time you need Canva graphics for social media, you start the whole process over again looking for someone to help you. You again spend many hours explaining what you want.
Instead, you should have established an ongoing part time relationship with that first contractor with understanding that they are your creative team member who you will call on when you need creative projects completed. This saves you from having to retrain a new contractor every time you have a new project! And you want to establish this relationship during the interview process to ensure you find the right person for the job!
I built a multi-million-dollar franchise business that allowed me to retire before age 40, travel the world, and be present for family and friends! And I did it working just 16-hour weeks, so I had the money AND the time to live my best life WHILE running my successful business!
But I did NOT do it all alone...
I utilized a team of part time employees that were experts in their zone of genius! They were recruited, hired & onboarded for their expertise, passion for my business mission, and dedication to being part of a team!
They stayed because their part time hours allowed them the flexibility to live their one life and get the fulfillment inside and outside their job!
And you can build a similar model inside your business with employees, virtual assistants and contractors! You will have a diversified team of experts who complete their work without being micro-managed allowing you to grow your business and reduce your workload!
To learn more about how to grow your business without working more hours, I want to share a more in-depth look at my 3-Part Hiring Framework inside my free video series.
This is the exact framework my highly experienced HR Team utilized to become a coveted employer of over 150+ dedicated team members with an 82% RETENTION RATE (which was unheard of for our industry!).
And it’s the same framework I still use today in my coaching business! No matter what industry or niche you are in, it can work for you!
And if you have any questions, DM me on Instagram or Facebook
Thanks so much for watching and remember to live your one life!
Your FUN Business Coach
Creator of The Legacy Business System
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