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How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty!

blog post business coaches empowerment freebie how to say no without feeling guilty! inspiration love yourself millionaire's morning routine freebie mindset work-life balance Oct 12, 2021
How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty!

Hey There!

Have You Ever Felt Guilty Right After Telling Someone You Could Not Do Something?

"Hey Sailynn, do you think you can (insert whatever it is that you really don’t have time to do!)?"

You say no, then immediately feel guilty and almost or sometimes backtrack and say well maybe I can…

We have all been in one of those situations!  And as a woman, we don’t want others to think we cannot handle something, right?

So, we say yes sometimes when we shouldn’t and its either out of our wheelhouse or we really did not have the time, so we feel stressed, or something else falls apart because of it!

Today I am going to teach you a simple trick I have been using since college, when my mentor taught it to me!

Each week, I empower you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! So, click the bar below and grab my brand-new Freebie – The Millionaire’s Morning Routine! This Freebie is going to give you 7 Daily Habits Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Practice to Grow Their Businesses without Exhaustion & Burnout! 

 If you are one of those women that is a pleaser and says yes to every single request for fear of letting someone down, it’s time to listen up!

Or are you the women, who does say no, but then has FOMO or beats herself up because you could not help someone with one more thing, this is for you too!

Saying No to something is actually an art form and I was taught The Sandwich Technique back in college when I took on the Founding President’s role of the sorority chapter we were forming!

This simple technique has worked for me for over 20 years, oh darn it I just dated myself!  No but truly it works, and I use it all the time in my personal and professional life!

So today I am teaching it to you, so you can use it in your life! Its 3 simple statements!

  1. You want to start with a positive statement
  2. You want to say the no
  3. You want to end with a positive statement

It’s that simple!  Now here is an example!

“Hey Sailynn, Do you think you could bring brownies to the board meeting again this month?

Mary, I am so glad that you love my brownies that I have been bringing to the meetings this year!  Unfortunately, this month I am laser focused on a project within my business that is taking up all my time.  Let’s ask in the board email reminder to see who else can step up and help this month, sound good!”

Okay so what we have done above is acknowledge that they must love my brownies because I have been making and bringing them THE WHOLE YEAR (hint, hint).  Then we said no and gave an honest reason why you could not do it (which is not always needed, but it makes us feels better).  Then we ended by providing Mary with another solution, so you are still helping but just not the way Mary wanted originally.

Positive – Negative – Positive

You can use this is so many situations too!  Think about delivering news to someone as their boss…you say something positive, get to the point of the issue, then end with a positive.

Think about what you are always saying yes to and practice a response, so you are ready the next time you are asked!


In summary, I know as women we never want to let someone down or feel like we cannot help someone, but something must give at times so we can have some balance in our lives.  It’s totally okay to say no, I am giving you permission to say no, now embrace that and use this technique the next time that repeat offender in your life asks for something, you cannot do again!  And remember, the more no’s you say to things that do not align with your life mission, means you have time to say yes to more things that do!

Again, I have empowered you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! So, click the bar below and grab my brand-new Freebie – The Millionaire’s Morning Routine! This Freebie is going to give you 7 Daily Habits Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Practice to Grow Their Businesses without Exhaustion & Burnout! 

And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

PS  Did you hear the news?  I am now offering one on one coaching for women entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurial women, and women secretly dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur!  You can Learn More Here and also book a FREE Discovery Call to see how I can help you shift in your business or mindset from grinding to growing!

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