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How to Live in the Present

blog post delegate focus on what you want freebie how to figure out life john maxwell time management year in review Jan 04, 2022

Be Honest…Are You Ever Truly Present in Your Day?

 I bet there was a day you wished you had just one more hour to accomplish a task in your day!  We have all been there and felt defeated when that was not possible!  As the saying goes, the only thing you cannot buy is more time!

So how do we get more time when we are already feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and just over it all?  Simple!  We review the past, set new boundaries, and move forward into the future!

I have been doing this for years but when I heard John Maxwell speak about it in his book, I was excited to know that I had been doing something of value already in my life!

He calls it his “Year in Review” exercise and he completes it the last week of each year! He says it provides him “the clarity to identify what he did well this past year and what he needs to improve in the year to come.”

For me this review period is a time to look at the big picture to see what is moving the needle closer to my Ideal Life and what needs to go on the chopping block!

So today I am sharing with you how I do this and how it will allow you to find more time!

Each week, I empower you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! This week I am offering you a FREE one on one Strategy Session! Click on the Image Below to Book a FREE Strategy Session to help you: Find the Time, to Make the Money, to Have the Freedom you envision! 

 You cannot buy more time so the only way to get it, is to make more by letting go of things that do not serve you!  And doing more of the things that move you closer to your Ideal Life!

This is a great new year exercise that I hope you enjoy and find value in so let’s get started!

First, I want you to find at least one day, more would be better but one is minimal, to lock yourself somewhere quiet where you can focus.  Look at your schedule today and find a day that works ASAP!

Second, you are going to want to grab your calendar, some colored pens, and a notebook for your Year in Review session!

Third, open your calendar to the first week of January last year and start analyzing each activity on your calendar.  You are going to quickly put them in 3 categories: 1) Yes this moved me closer 2) This has the potential but needs some work 3) This did not serve me at all

You might struggle at first “rating” your activity because putting items in the 3rd category is not easy!  I sometimes felt defeated that I wasted time or felt mad because I should have known better that was not a great idea.  My best piece of advice, is don’t beat yourself up!  You list them and move on!

When you get through the whole year, look at which category has the most and then observe how you feel about that realization!

If you worked hard all year and have your biggest list in category #1 - Yes these moved me closer to my Ideal Life, then congratulate yourself!  Each win needs to be celebrated. You are on the right track to your Ideal Life!

If you worked hard all year and have your biggest list in #2 these items have potential but need work!  Again, celebrate your win!  You are working on your goals, and they just need some tweaking!  Think about what you can do to get them from column #2 to column #1.  This is where enlisting the help of a one-on-one coach may be helpful.  You can flush out your ideas together and plan for the coming year!

Finally, if you worked hard all year and have your biggest list in #3, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP!  This exercise is not meant to make you feel like crap!  This is meant to open your eyes to figure out what want you want vs what you are doing to make it happen!  For many women I work with this exercise is the wakeup call they need to hire me to help them figure out exactly what it is they want, make a plan to get it and hold them accountable to making it happen while also cheering them along on their journey!

For more information on working with me, head on over to my website and check out the Work with Me page to schedule a FREE Strategy Session.


In summary, I have been doing this activity yearly and now do it quarterly so I can pivot faster in my life.  Start today and make it a goal to do it again in 90 days.  The realizations you made about your previous year should open your eyes to where you are on your journey!  If you are rocking and rolling, congrat’s!  If you need some help, that is totally okay!  No matter where you are, you are one step in front of the person who did not even take the time to do the activity!  So, pat yourself on the back for that one!

Again, I empowered you with training tips and a free resource to give you more ideas on how to grow your business while living this one life we were given! This week I am offering you a FREE one on one Strategy Session! Click on the Image Below to Book a FREE Strategy Session to help you: Find the Time, to Make the Money, to Have the Freedom you envision! 

And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

PS  Are you exhausted, burnt out, and overworked and just not sure how to build your business and a life? I am offering one on one life coaching for women entrepreneurs!  You can BOOK A FREE STRATEGY SESSION HERE and we will do 2 things together: 1) Get crystal clear on the business and lifestyle you want to create and 2) identify the time savings systems you can put in place to make it happen!

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