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How to Find More Time in Your Day in 3 Easy Steps

leverage your time time time management Nov 29, 2022
How to Find More Time in Your Day in 3 Easy Steps

The Secret Time FINDING Hack!

Do you wish there was just one extra hour in each day? When I started my franchise business, I lived an hour from my office and was working 10-12 hour days!  There were so many mornings and nights, I wished for just one extra hour so I could finish a project!

I never found that extra hour, so naturally I constantly felt like I was on a hamster wheel just going around and around each day!

What is that saying…If you do the same thing daily and expect a different result, that is a definition of insanity?  That is how I felt for 3 years!

Until one day, it all changed…Stay tuned if you feel this way and want to know a hidden hack for finding more time in your day!


  Today I am going to share with you the easiest and most efficient way to find more time in your day without hoping for that extra hour, we both know is not happening!

So many of the women I work with are neglecting one their most important self-care needs – SLEEP!  As someone who highly values her sleep and tries to never put that last on my list (actually its #1), I help my clients find the extra time they need, so they can get the sleep we are all desperate for!

Why is this important?

If you have been experiencing brain fog, are having trouble concentrating, some crankiness, and seem to be catching every cold that comes around, it could because you are not getting enough sleep! Getting less than 7 hours of sleep on a regular basis can eventually lead to health consequences that affect your entire body.

Not only can lack of sleep affect your health, but it can also cause problems in your business!  You won’t be able to make decisions as quickly, you could be doubting your ability because you cannot think straight, and worst of all you cause harm to a client or customer due to lack of clarity!

Bottom line…a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night is a non-negotiable!

So, what is this magic trick to find more time in your day, so you are not neglecting your sleep?

It’s as simple as time blocking your schedule!  If you are saying to yourself, wait, that’s it, hold up and listen!

Most women have a paper calendar, electronic calendar, family calendar, to do list, sticky notes, whiteboard, and the list goes on!  Does that sound at all familiar???

If it does, then keep listening, today we are going to choose just one, and personally I chose electronic because it really is the best IMO!

Then you are going to put everything, and I mean everything from all those formats into 3 categories – MUST, MAYBE and MOVE!

Must is everything you must get done, like sleep, work, set appointments etc.

Maybe is everything that must get done but the day and time are flexible throughout the week. Like laundry, grocery shopping, dry cleaners, etc

Move is everything that must get done but can be done later, meaning not this week! Such as buying a birthday gift, planning a vacation, spring cleaning the house etc.

Once you categorize everything, put them in your format of choice, again I chose electronic, and my favorite is Google Calendar because I love to color code all my items for quick and easy views of my day and week.

The secret to this working is being reasonable with the time slots – meaning if you work 9am to 4pm, and you have a 60-minute commute like I did, then you need to account for that!  You cannot put an item at 430pm if you will be driving, unless it is something you can do while driving safely, like listen to a webinar that came through your email you were excited about!

Once you implement this strategy, set a time on your calendar for each and every Sunday to sit down for 15 minutes and plan your week!  This weekly business strategy has allowed me to find more and more time in my days and weeks for the self-care and fun things that are necessary in living a fulfilled life!

In summary

When you use one format to keep all of your to-do’s in one place, you categorize them into the 3 groups I shared, and you practice this strategy weekly, you will see the big picture of your life and where you can find extra time in your day!

As always, I like to provide you with a resource and tool to help you get better, faster, and quicker results, so this week I invite you to take a FREE Life Balance Assessment. I have partnered with Oola – The Mind and Body Company to bring you this valuable tool. You can take the free assessment online at

And that’s a wrap on this week’s episode! Remember to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

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