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How To Figure Out What You Want Out Of Life!

dreams focus on what you want goals law of attraction mindset one life podcast Apr 12, 2021

Hey there!

I was listening to this podcast this morning and wanted to share it with you!  As you know I love listening to Rob Dial - The Mindset Mentor because he sparks ideas in me I did not even know were rolling around in there!

Today's topic was "How to Manifest The Life You Want" and it aligned so much with my Morning Routine Course that I had to share it with you!

So this week's video is "Do you know what YOU want? - Here is how to figure it out if you don't!"

See what Rob and I discuss is you can have anything in life if you focus on it!  The problem is MOST PEOPLE focus on what they do not want!

So the exercise I have for you today is this:

  1. Write down everything you don't want in life (usually this is a good way to start if you are stuck on what you DO want)
  2. Then write down what you do want!  Seriously what would your life look like if you could design your ideal day - from the moment you woke up to the minute you went to bed!
  3. Once you have it all down, you want to rip the Don't Want list into shreds, burn it, crumple it, basically smash it to pieces so you NEVER focus on it again!
  4. Finally, use my Free Resource The Gen X Survival Guide - A 10 Minute Morning Routine to Start Each Day Refreshed & Excited to Check Off Your To Do List, So You Can Achieve Work-Life Balance & Create a Life You Love!” to start a new habit, where you focus on what you DO WANT each and every morning!

What Rob explains in the podcast, is our brain is programmed to "achieve" what we ask it to do.  So....if you ask it to focus on what we do want, it will work to achieve those items!

We do not want to confuse our brain by thinking about what we don't want, so that is why we tore up that piece of paper and banished it from our brain!

You might think this is all "woo woo" stuff but actually its science and the Law of Attraction!

Plus whether you believe it or not, isn't it worth at least trying for like 90 days???  What do you have to lose?

I would love to hear from you on what Your Ideal Day looks like!  Don't be afraid to share it, pop me a note on Messenger and share it!  Plus its 80% more likely to happen when you write it down and share it with others!

If we are not connected on Facebook or Instagram, send me a DM so we can connect more!

As always have a fabulous week and enjoy the one life you were given!

xoxo Sailynn...


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