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Have You Lost Your Passion for Life?

books course delegate how to figure out life love the life you live morning routine one life professional development May 30, 2021
How to Level Up Your Life

Hey Friend!

Have you ever felt unfilled, stagnant, stuck in life???

I have and it felt horrible! So please know you are not alone if you are feeling this way!

Back in 2012, on the outside everything looked perfect...I had just attained my goal to leave my business for 30 days in person so I could travel in the RV for a month, I had a cute little beach house, I had a fabulous family and boyfriend, everything LOOKED good....

But on the inside, I felt like I had worked myself to death to achieve my goal, I had reached and attained the goal, but now I was exhausted!

Those years taught me a BIG LESSON - I needed to build a life I did not need a vacation from!

But how in the heck do you do that???

Honestly I had no clue, but I made a decision to start implementing more systems and processes into my career so I could free up more time to do more of what I loved!

This was no overnight solution, it took me digging deep within myself to learn what I was naturally good at vs what I forced myself to accomplish because I thought I should be doing it!

Luckily being a part of a franchise system, I had the opportunity to work with our corp office who brought in a representative who had us use a new personality survey of sorts! Within 5 minutes and 2 questions, this man, I had never met, totally nailed me pretty much 95% correct and I was blown away!

So I started to use this tool to figure out what got me excited to get out of bed each and every day, and to delegate the things that I was not so good at to someone else!

Then I began learning more in my skill set so I could grow professionally where I was naturally good at things AND I loved it!  All of a sudden I felt revived and ready to rock again because I was doing things that made me excited!

In this episode of The Sailynn Show I am sharing with you two of my favorite books that I love because they helped me expand upon the skills I already had and take them to the next level!


My goal is to bring you a weekly YouTube video with also a Free Resource you can use in your life right away! This week I am sharing my Gen X Survival Guide - A 10 Minute Morning Routine to Start Each Day Refreshed & Excited to Check Off Your To Do List, So You Can Achieve Work-Life Balance & Create a Life You Love!

After going through this free resource you will have a clear understanding of why a 10 minute morning routine can totally change your life for the better!  And the tools to get you started on building your own routine today!

Book #1 Recommendation

Have you ever said, if I hear my phone ding one more time with another text, email, notification, I am going to throw it out the window?  Grab the book "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferris to learn all his time hacks on how to get more done in less time so you can live the life of your dreams!

He will share all the resources he uses to travel the world, work a few hours a week, and still grow professionally!  It's actually quite impressive on how he has built this empire on working less!

Book #2 Recommendation

Want to go for that promotion at work, start your own business, or maybe start a non-profit organization based on your passions?  Then you need to read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie!  This is an oldie but goodie!  

Mr. Carnegie teaches you how to win people over so you both get what you want out of life!  This book has timeless lessons in it, that we all need!  I personally like to listen to this on Audible and do so every year to refresh my brain on his techniques because they are so good!

If you are feeling stuck....

Don't wait any longer for some magic answer to come your way, or for someone to fix everything in your life for you!

TODAY is the day to go on your own journey to learn what gets you excited about life and how you can build a life you don't need a vacation from too!

And don't forget to download my "Gen X Survival Guide" so you can get more ideas and see how to fit this into your life today!

You can download it right away by clicking the CLICK HERE image below!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

Let's Connect!!!

Every single week I get messages from friends who have found value in my videos, I would love to hear from you what you loved the best about this weeks video, so let's connect🙋‍

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Each Monday I post a new video training and free resource on my blog.

Each Monday at 7pm est I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page so make sure we’re connected on Facebook -

I would love to hear from you...Drop me a comment below!

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