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How to Figure Out Work Life Balance

challenge work-life balance Sep 07, 2021
How to Figure Out Work Life Balance

Do You Struggle with Work Life Balance?

When I started my 1st business, it was all work and not much play!  I was working 80+ hours/week and was on-call 24/7. There were not many breaks!  I missed out on things in my family and with friends because I was so focused on growing and becoming profitable!  My life had no balance at all and I was exhausted, over worked and stressed out!  

I share my story with you, in hopes that if you are in the same boat, the tools I will be sharing here will help you to realize, life is short and we only get one!  And most importantly, you can have it all, you just need to figure it out!

Since we are kicking off Fall, this is a perfect time for you to assess and figure out you where your work life balance is thriving or maybe not so much!

Remember where you are today is just that, it is not where you have to stay!

The 21 Day Challenge

Recently I completed a 21 day challenge that opened my eyes to where I was struggling with my work life balance!  The daily emails made me really think about each of the 7 areas of my life and where I was vs where I wanted to be!

The 1st 7 days of the challenge are going to have you assess the most important areas of your life!  

The next 7 days are going to challenge you to really look at some blockers you may be experiencing to help you find that balance you are so desperate for.  

And finally the last 7 days are going to be the best!  Now that you have done the hard work, the last 7 days are going to give you the tools to really achieve your goals!

As an entrepreneur, we go into business so we can do what we want, when we want, and from where we want - which is called ultimate freedom...but we sometimes lose focus on the other areas of our life while building!  

This challenge is simple but impactful because it will open your eyes to some areas you might need to spend some extra time on!

Today I am giving you access to this FREE CHALLENGE - All you have to do is click the image below!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

Let's Connect!!!

Every single week I get messages from friends who have found value in my videos, I would love to hear from you what you loved the best about this weeks video, so let's connect🙋‍

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UPDATED New Valuable Content Schedule

Starting today, my YouTube Video, Blog, and Weekly Email will all be delivered on Tuesday mornings!

You can still catch my Live on Facebook on Monday's at 7pm eastern in my Facebook Group so make sure we’re connected on Facebook -

I would love to hear from you...Drop me a comment below!

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