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Easily Attract Your Dream Clients

attract dream clients business mission business values business vision May 21, 2024
Easily Attract Your Dream Clients

I’m about to show you how to easily attract dream clients that you would love to work with.

You see, most women entrepreneurs focus on things like making their website pretty, perfecting their social media feeds, and nailing their elevator speech.

And because of this, they blend in with every other business in their industry, no matter how perfected their presence is in-person or online, which leads to stagnant revenue or feeling like you have to pull potential clients to the finish line to buy.

Now in order to fix this there are 3 crucial elements to what I call a business model structure which I go over inside my signature program The Legacy Business School but right now I am going to give you the one element most coaches don’t teach, so I don’t overwhelm you and this is something you can implement quickly.

In fact, you can have this exercise done and up on your website and social media by the end of today if you really wanted to.

So, if that sounds good, then let’s get started!

The most overlooked element of your business model structure is defining your Business Mission, Vision & Values! 

Let me start by explaining what exactly is your Business Model Structure! 

This is the foundational pillar in my unique blueprint, The Legacy Business System.

All successful, profitable and impactful businesses have these 3 crucial elements in this formula.

  1. Your Personal Vision
  2. Your Business Mission, Vision & Values and
  3. Your Curated Portfolio of Products/Services.

When you have all 3 of those elements aligned, you will be able to build a business that makes you a lot of money AND allows you to live an amazing life at the same time!

Now let’s move into the key element to attracting your dream clients easily – Your Business Mission, Vision & Values!

Large corporations spend millions of dollars developing theirs because they know how integral this is to their success! The reason it is key is because we live in a world where there are so many options and we want to stand out!  And an easy way to set yourself apart is to define your Mission, Vision & Values!

We are going to do the same exercise the big companies do so we can have the same success but on our terms!

Step One is your Business Mission!

A mission statement is a concise explanation of an organization’s reason for being and describes its purpose, intention and overall objectives. The mission statement supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction to employees and customers.

Your mission statement should include what your company does, what is your purpose, and what you want to achieve!

My advice is keep it short, simple and clear!

My company name is Passion Purpose Posture LLC and our mission statement is Empowering Women to Build Better Businesses.

Step Two is your Business Vision!

A vision statement describes what a company wants to achieve in the long run, like 5 to 10 years.  A company’s vision must align with its mission, business plan, strategic plan, and organizational culture.

My companies vision statement is: We envision a world where women harness the power of entrepreneurship to turn their dreams into reality, create generational wealth, and drive global impact. Our commitment is to provide every woman with the opportunity to align her business with her personal vision, enabling her to live the life she dreams of.

Step Three is your Business Values!

Over the past 5 years, this has become a very hot topic in companies as the world changes and we have more consumers who want to know what you stand for. Think of your own personal values, I am sure you are very passionate about them. This should be the same for your company!

My company has 5 core values and they are:

  • Authenticity – We celebrate and embrace our true selves, encouraging our clients to do the same.
  • Impact – We recognize that our purpose extends beyond ourselves, striving to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • Freedom – We prioritize time over money, enabling us to lead fulfilling lives and fulfill our dreams.
  • Honesty – We lead by guiding our clients through challenges they might shy away from, knowing that growth often comes from uncomfortable truths.
  • Action – We are committed to taking consistent and purposeful action, even when it gets messy, to drive real and lasting change.

Now that we have defined your Business Mission, Vision & Values, you want to include this in your marketing, correspondence and wherever else you see fit!

When you take the time to define this crucial element to your Business Model Structure, and then you share it with the world, what you will find is you will stand out from others in your industry and clients and customers will be attracted to your vibe and want to work with you!  This is how you easily attract your dream clients!

If you found this training helpful, I would encourage you to join me inside my free training: The No BS Work Life Balance Workshop where I share the exact blueprint I used to shift from working 80+ hour weeks to just 16 while tripling my business revenue and 4x my personal paycheck.  You can find the link below:

And if you have any questions, DM me on Instagram or Facebook

Thanks so much for watching and remember to live your one life!


Your FUN Business Coach

Creator of The Legacy Business System


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